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Breach The Flasher

Flashes everyone including the teammets and most of the time does not seem to care about it!!

Breach, the bionic Swede, fires powerful, targeted kinetic blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground. The damage and disruption he inflicts ensures no fight is ever fair.

Breach's main gimmick is the ability to use all of his abilities through the geometry of the map,whether it is through walls, roofs, or terrain. This ability set rewards experienced players for knowing the maps well. His abilities also seem to reward an aggressive playstyle despite most of his abilities being crowd-control based.

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To FLASH your entired family

you got flashed

Equip a blinding charge. Fire the charge to set a fast-acting burst through the wall. The charge detonates to blind all players looking at it.

Equip a fusion charge. Fire the charge to set a slow-acting burst through the wall. After charging, while fire 3 times, each blast dealing 60 damage.

Equip a seismic blast. Hold Fire to increase the distance. Release to set off the quake, dazing all players in its zone and in a line up to the zone.

Equip a seismic charge. Fire to send a cascading quake through all terrain in a large cone. The quake dazes and knocks up anyone caught in it.

Customer Review

Watch this!! Oh wait you can't

Jokes over, you're Blind!

Heros never die! Ops wrong game 0.0